Life as a single Mother-Empty nest, Dating, Ex-husband, Best Friends, Full-time Employment, Unemployment, night school...How do these all relate to one another? Come with me:

Friday, October 29, 2010

One last Halloween

One of the few advantages of being unemployed is the freedom I have with my time. When I was working full-time I was usually up and gone long before my kids were awaking and preparing for school. This morning I awoke to my youngest preparing for her last Halloween in high school.

This is likely the last true Halloween I will get to spend with my girls. My youngest (pictured here dressed as her Idol) will turn eighteen in just over a month and head off to college in the spring.

It was fun to help her prepare her costume in the early house in a quiet house. I think she looks mighty fine.

This weekend, I am planning a night in. I don't want to be the wet blanket parent intruding on their Halloween party with friends. But I am welcome here. My kids actually want me to hang out with them and their friends this weekend.

I know it won't last, this may be the last. So I make no plans.

I will dress in costume and probably man the door and candy distributions. I have also been placed on food duty. But I am excited to enjoy this time with my girls one last time.

Next year I will go out and party with friends. But this one last time, I will be one of the kids.

I cant wait!


  1. Totally Breakfast at Tiffany's!! (She looks fabulous.)

    It's also the last Halloween for my younger son, though there was a "Senior Toga Day" his week (yes he made one out of my sheets). I suspect that will be it for him. There was an early night out last evening, and the rest of the weekend including Halloween? Schoolwork. Life's realities, even at 17.

  2. Hope you had fun. My daughter is off at college, and my son is at the age where he simply does his own thing. He helped decorate a bit, but then he was out of there.

    I watched the World Series and handed out candy!


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