Life as a single Mother-Empty nest, Dating, Ex-husband, Best Friends, Full-time Employment, Unemployment, night school...How do these all relate to one another? Come with me:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Single Parenting

I started this blog for two reasons.
One, to keep an account of my day to day life and all the crazy day to day accounts of our lives in this house.
And two, To tell my story as a single parent raising three children on my own for the past 11 years. All the trials, Joys, frustrations, tears and smiles. As I wrote in the title, full-time work, motherhood, dealing with their father etc.

Things have changed a little bit in the few months I have been blogging. My son is no longer living with us full-time, my daughter will be graduating this May and spending the summer away from home also. My job, the one security I have always had in my single life, has been pulled out from under me. I have graduated from night school which has been a huge part of my life and taken up an enormous part of my time over the past eight years. And even my ex husband has been a little bit more of a part of my children's' lives (very little, and not necessarily for the better, but more on that later). My parents sale of my childhood home and move to a town 300 miles away after being within 5 miles of me my entire life. All of these things are change- and I have never been good with change.

And yet, a lot of things are still the same. My baby still loves to cuddle with me on the couch while watching an old movie. All of my children are still my best friends. Family is still as close as ever and love of my parents and sister is strong as ever.

I love being a single mother. I love having been through the trials and joys that I have been able to experience and I would love to share them with others here. As I have been home the past couple weeks and looking for work, I have had opportunity to peruse a few single parent blogs and although most of them have small children still, their stories are not so far from what I too have experienced.

As soon as i can figure out a good format, I will be sharing and recording more and more of the past experiences I have lived and hope to, if nothing more, share my story. Friends tell me that my life is never boring and they are right. How could it be boring raising 3 kids, working, attending night school and sheltering my children from a toxic father? And just for laughs.. maybe a dating story or two, names and dates changed to protect the innocent (me of course). Oh boy do I have some funny anecdotes of my life....just ask my best friend.

More to come on this later.

I would really love to hear from anyone who may be reading this blog, relatives, friends, blog stalkers, what would you like to hear about? comments are always welcomed here.

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