Life as a single Mother-Empty nest, Dating, Ex-husband, Best Friends, Full-time Employment, Unemployment, night school...How do these all relate to one another? Come with me:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Road Trip!!!!!

In the next few weeks, the third born of my mothers 4 younger sisters, Karen, will be turning 60. So her husband Jim and her daughter Summer, planned a huge surprise party with guests from 300+ miles. My younger daughter was attending an acting/ thespian workshop that weekend (more on that later) so it was a road trip for just my older daughter and I.
Some people hate driving....I am not one of them. Maybe it is because I am stir crazy this time of year. Or that we have not been able to afford many trips and road trips have often become our vacations. Or maybe it is just that I love the open road.

My children always behaved well in cars. Many a Sunday my ex husband and I would set up a makeshift 'bed' in the back of our explorer (before seat belts were law) and pick a small town on the map and drive. We saw so many things in those days. We would crank up the radio, cassettes, then CD's to favorite music and belt it all out karaoke style with the kids.

Well, this weekend was no different. We quickly packed on Friday afternoon, gassed up the truck, grabbed a soda and hit the road. Som
e funny things happened...
First stop, Gas fill up. Not too unlikely, however, a good friend of my mothers and of mine, Tina happened to be at the next pump... quick hello, status updates on ailments and job status, a request to tell my parents hello and we were off.
Silly us, we forgot to get a drink, pulled into station number two... a friend of my daughters is there with her new husband. - more updates.. fill our cups and we are on the road again.
Driving and singing- well to most of the songs- my daughters Ipod has quite an interesting mix. We were two girls on the road- ready to face what life would bring. Ready for warmer weather- in more ways than one!

I was so proud of her! She made it a good 212 miles before she had her bladder moment. Usually she waits until she is about to burst before she tells me to pull over, by the time we get to a town that would have services, she resembles the woman in the incontinence ads... gotta go right now!
The small town that we pulled over into just happens to be the town that my childrens grandparents and two aunts live in. Their fathers family. I am not a bitter divorcee and I get along well with his family, however we had not planned to stop in to see them on this trip. The trip was a short one, I had not seen my parents in months and we just didn't have time. I tend to run at the mouth and if we stopped... well lets just say, we wouldn't have made it to our destination.
As I waited for my daughter to run in and use the facilities, I was a bit humored by the small town character, and characters. There is a whole different kind of person who lives on a farm or ranch and gets to town only once in a while. Granted, there were people of all walks in this store that day. But some of them, I'm just not sure that they knew other people could see them... ratty hair, dirty overalls, some looked as though they were headed out to catch them a bear. - OK I will be nice from here on.... I promise!
A cute couple stepped out of the station, and I noticed them right away, they looked more like the city folks I was accustomed to. Then, I saw him! The male of the couple was my own ex-brother-in-law and my exes sister. Getting into the car parked in the next stall... what are the chances of that? We chatted for a moment, caught up a little until my daughter came out. Seems that they were headed to the same place we were (just an hour from their place) for a seminar. We had a good chuckle and set off again.
The weekend was a blast! Texas hold 'em on Friday night- until way passed my bed time.

Then the party on Saturday.
What a great time!

We have the
kind of extended family that gets along well. We laugh and joke, and love each other dearly. My daughter had to babysit that night as it was an adult only party but she made out like a bandit and loves to babysit anyway.

On Saturday we went shopping at a vintage furniture store. They had the most amazing fun stuff in there. Good thing I'm out of work or I may have bought more than I did...which was nothing. Who would think that we would find a used but pristine pair of black Prada boots in downtown St.George... too cool! (didn't buy them either). We walked down the street to a tiny little used book store. I love love used bookstores. There were some awesome finds in there also. A small poem book of Robert Frost poems copyright 1920's. Another book of 'love stories' they were called, were also poems copyright in the 1800's. Beautifully written. I would have loved that book, just didn't have the $23.00. Another book that caught my eye was an old Dr. Seuss book also from the 1920's.
A small 'learn to draw' book I found interesting as it showed the difference between the 1920's and the present day. Pictures of little girls always in cute little dresses and boys with suspenders. Mom did buy me one book, Speaking of Operations by Irvin S. Cobb. Which seems (based on the few pages we browsed) to be a hilarious account of one man's view of surgery. and since this was written copyright 1915, I can imagine it is quite a tale to tell. I have not yet read the first page but I shall keep you posted.

The weather wa
s great, in the 70's. It was nice to feel free of our heavy coats for a short time. It sure helped to take the job hunt off my mind for a couple days. No worries, no stress. But it was all short-lived. Sunday morning we went to breakfast with two of my aunts and their husbands, then we packed it up, hugged mom and dad goodbye, and headed home.

Here are some photos of the trip home. That is Mt. Nebo in the distance, very near our destination- Home.
Waiting at home was my younger daughter, some Superbowl Bingo, a very close and sweet football game, some really bad for us appetizer-like foods, some comfy sweats, some young teenage boys company, and then bed.
All-in-all great time to clear my head.

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