Life as a single Mother-Empty nest, Dating, Ex-husband, Best Friends, Full-time Employment, Unemployment, night school...How do these all relate to one another? Come with me:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A second chance

I have not had much time for posting the past few days as I have been diligently working in my yard while we had a few days of nice weather and while I still have some free time not working.

There is a storm coming in today in the next hour or so, should bring rain and some snow in the higher elevations. Just in time for me to pull out my dress-up duds, my nice shoes and get ready to shine once again.

I have received a call last night from the President of the company I interviewed with last week. Yes the one that I left with an uneasy feeling. They must have liked me. But because my first interview ended up being held with many departments in the company, I had to ask just which position this was for. And he didn't have a straight answer. This leaves me wondering if perhaps they are combining the positions into one position.
If that is the case, it means two things. They may like my credentials enough that they want me and will be willing to pay me what I think my employment is worth. But also, they may be thinking that they can get me to do two jobs, at the pay of one.
I think that I am OK with that. I like a challenge. If the price is right, this may turn out to be the best for both of us. One of the positions, the interviewer mentioned that she couldn't pay much for and that in the beginning, may be a little boring as there was not much to be done. The second, didn't mention a pay, just took notes when I offered up my own bid.

I am not so naive as to think that I am a shoe in for this job. Or even that it is a drop in the bucket that it will be offered to me. But a second interview is a good sign. The awesome references that were forwarded to them from my colleagues cant hurt and I have a good feeling about it.

Job interviews are a little bit like a first date. You dress up, you are polite and cordial, you ask questions of each other in order to learn more about each other. You try to impress and sell yourself in the best light you can. Your nervous and scared. Your face hurts from smiling. You always say the wrong things and give more information than you probably should (ok maybe that one is just me). In the back of your mind you are wondering if you want to give your entire life to this person- company. Your hands are sweaty on the handshake. They are very similar.
But at least on a first date, I can order a drink to quench my dry throat. I can talk about my kids (is that too soon?). And it doesnt matter regarding paying the bills this month.

Needless to say, I am still very nervous. Still hate interviews, even second interviews. I'm excited, and nervous and even a little bummed out that my days of being a bum could be coming to an end.
But Spring is a time of new beginnings and I am ready for this. I am ready to take on a new project and show them what I am made of.

I feel as though good things are coming. My daughter thinks it is hilarious that I call my new suit my power suit... if it gets me the job, she wont be laughing.

But now I need to find something else to wear. Better dig into the closet.

Wish me luck! One more time!

OH! and I just became a great auntie for the second time on monday. Little baby John Michael my sisters second grandbaby. Cant wait to see the cutie.

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