Life as a single Mother-Empty nest, Dating, Ex-husband, Best Friends, Full-time Employment, Unemployment, night school...How do these all relate to one another? Come with me:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

One whole year already?!

My children don't read this blog. Maybe that is for the best as I don't hold back much on their behavior and their incontinence moments.
However, my youngest daughter recently searched for and read some of the older posts. We read together some the the posts over the past year.
And realized, this is the week of my one year posting anniversary!
Time goes by so fast.
When I started this blog, I had in mind sharing my silly, frustrating, crazy Murphy-law single parenting stories... More to get it out of my head than to really share.
Since then, I have begun to read others stories and blogs, found many I can relate to. People all over the world who are raising kids alone, or struggling with finances, or a troublesome relationship with their ex.
This blog has also become a bit of a scrapbook of time spent with my kids, a bit of a snapshot for my parents to keep up with our adventures.
I am glad I chose to start this one year ago, I think that my writing is improving, my subject matter is variant and I like that too as I am a pretty spontaneous personality.

I cannot believe the things that have happened in the course of a year...
loss of employment to a new job

I have written about many road trips. and holidays.

And even my 15 minutes of fame!

There were hard times as well this year, besides the lack of employment there were home repairs , near fires and other struggles.

But great times too.

Oh and lets not forget the food posts!

The coming year I may really need to write some healing postings. With my son gone there will be some trying times. We also have an upcoming first-time cruise with my family. And who know what adventures and struggles await us in the coming months. Come along for the ride I enjoy the company.

I have really enjoyed making record of this past year.. and look forward to sharing the future too. Let me know what you like best.

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