There was a bit of excitement at the local eating establishment that my girls work at. It seems that one of the crew chiefs, (age 17) and a prior employee (age 17) decided that the $4000 in the safe was a little too tempting to leave be. After telling a few co-workers they were headed for Vegas then to Mexico, they (unbeknown to the co-workers) helped themselves to the money and headed out of Dodge.
They were later apprehended in Chicago... yeah me thinks the Vegas bit was a ploy to get the authorities off the trail. uh duh. Silly kids- now they will be paying for that foolishness for a long time.
So, now my daughter is even less happy with her job as all of the remaining employees are now being treated as criminals. They must now all be overly supervised. The one who took the money was known as the bosses favorite. I guess that has changed.
On a lighter note: Saturday was a busy day for us....
After relaxing with a cup of coffee and a crossword while the girls slept in, we started on the
I regret I did not take any pictures of the flowers we made...
Here is one of the purple flower (we made) already pinned
Not bad for an amateur I suppose.
umm- I will say- it was a bit intimidating to find out, that her date Jake's mother and sister, own a florist shop. Yikes! Talk about pressure!
We began getting my older daughter ready around noon as he was coming to get her at around five. She had been perusing pictures of prom hairstyles for a week and could only find some that we had no idea how to accomplish. Here are some photos of this process....
And then Channing's date Zanthy showed up and we were back to our tasks at hand...
But with all the interruptions, and all the set-backs, we managed to create sleeves on a dress,
And then the dresses!
Please forgive their mothers horrible photography skills. (That white streak is sunlight coming from the window, not part of the dress)
But look at the sewing skills, this was sleeveless an hour ago.
Chantel's date arrived at about 5:30, handsome
bloke- more pictures.
What a darling couple!
Later, after attempting my very first time cooking halibut steak (or any fish for that matter), and pine nut couscous (or any couscous). Which according to Rachel, I get a 1 out of 2.
properly- and look how boring it looks on a white plate. oh well, great for the waistline if the food tastes bad eh? (and I suppose I should admit- The couscous is from a box.)
We then dressed Rachel for her date with Devon:
Note: I did not get a picture of Rachel's flowers because, we took her picture before we pinned his on, and her date forgot hers in the refrigerator and had to go back home.
Their picture is also taken inside as they left after it was dark outside.
Another sweet looking couple. They were so nervous!
What you may be asking, did I do with my night alone? My night of freedom to throw caution to the wind? My night after my 39th birthday when I should be celebrating?
But to get the whole effect, you have to realize that this was load number one. And as my washer has been on the mend for about 2 months, you need only close your eyes and imagine Mt. Kilimanjaro to know what I was up against. Then settled in for a movie and the smell of fabric softener.
Details on the dates later revealed that Rachel and Devon had a great time, dancing and talking, and the girls got a group photo at their first school date dance with each other. Chantel's last homecoming and Rachel's first.
Other than that, their night seemed uneventful.
Chantel's night began with an Italian dinner at one of those restaurants where you doodle on the fine table linens while you wait for your dinner to arrive. I guess the dinner must have been a while because from what I hear, they covered the entire thing.
Jake was quite the killer as he was doodling frisky flies under his plate... yes - you know what I mean. (flies making baby flies). I think he liked the shock value of whomever was lucky enough to clear their table. Then he doodled some arrows to the hottie.. and my daughter reciprocated..
sounds like they had a great time too. So it was worth the laundry- I'm so glad that they are enjoying their high school years. I tried to grow up so fast- I missed out on a lot of this.
Oh and sorry for the silly food plate and laundry in the middle of the story- but hey! such is my life.