Life as a single Mother-Empty nest, Dating, Ex-husband, Best Friends, Full-time Employment, Unemployment, night school...How do these all relate to one another? Come with me:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's day

When you sign the papers to allow your 17 year old son to serve, this day takes on a whole new meaning.
Never forget!

If you love your country and your Freedom- Thank a Veteran.

Last August (2007) we (my daughters and I ) drove to Kentucky to pick my son up from his basic training. Here is a picture of me signing him out to come home. This picture was taken on his 17th birthday. Not even considered a man by age, but so much more in integrity.

People ask me how I can let him do this, that he is so young. I will tell you, it is not easy. But I know what kind of man he is. And this, is Jeremy.

On our drive home, when my son was with us, he insisted on wearing his fatigues. He had to be sweltering in them, but it was a privilege and he was proud. I became emotional as we stopped by many sites on our trip and were greeted with strangers, shaking his hand, thanking him. That is what I love about our country. It is so much more than a day, Veterans day, everyday soldiers are fighting for us. And so many more in the past. If there is anything we should not take for granted, it is our Freedom.

Thank you son, I love you! And thank you to those fighting today. Making the ULTIMATE sacrifice. All other struggles seem so small in comparison. And thank you too, to the families of those soldiers as I know first hand, they sacrifice on a large scale also.

And I will end this post with a favorite saying of my sons, we had it engraved on a dog tag with a 'Happy Birthday! I'm So Proud of you!' inscription from his mother on the back.

This is what it says:

"All gave Some, Some Gave All"

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